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Stress to success the right way.

Man covering his face due to stress

We often get stressed about a lot of things in our lives, some of them are in our control and some are not. But stress affects our ability to perform in our career and to follow our passion. Stress may not necessarily be bad. So, how should you convert that stress into success? Lets take a look.

Discipline yourself

Discipline is one of the most important aspects to achieve success. Yet we forgo the discipline. We are least committed to our goals and targets and when our asses are on fire we start to look for ways to save our ass. Being disciplined about the task in hand reduces stress and increases efficiency.

Acknowledge and love your presence

You have to start loving yourself, you have to start knowing your worth. Self love and self care is very important to keep up your confidence. Do not depend on other people to tell that you’re good, be your own support system.

Define your Goals

What's your ‘Why’ It is so important to define why you are doing something. Have a purpose, set your goal and chase them. Your goal could be anything from being – Financially independence, losing weight, successful business, good relations, good health or anything that you want it to be. But be clear with your goal, it doesn’t mean you have to keep blabbering your goals to people. Just know it within your heart, get up and achieve it.

Meditate – See it believe it and achieve it

‘If you can see it and believe it, you can achieve it’. To get what you want is not tough, if you can visualize it. See it with your eyes closed and achieve it with your eyes open. Spend some time doing some visualization exercises, they activate the brain and boost confidence.

Plan your schedule

Having goals is just not enough if you don’t work on them. You have to have a clear and well defined path. Planning your schedule in advance leaves you with ample time to complete the task and keeps you motivated to stick to the schedule and achieve your goals.

Work hard, work smart

The key here is consistency and persistence. No successful person reached their goals without hard work. You have to be willing to set priorities and dedicate your efforts consistently in the right direction.


The saying ‘Health is Wealth’ is 100% true. You may have a million dollars but not the health to spend them. How good is that money then? Stay fit, stay healthy. Working out reduces stress, improves memory and energy to perform better. Maintain good health to have a good life.

Believe in yourself

Your instincts are the guiding force for your life, if you have an opportunity and your GUT favors it, go ahead without a second thought, you are most likely to be right, if not you’ll at least not regret your decision. Never believe people who couldn’t themselves follow their dreams and passions.

Consistency is the key

Keep going, even when it looks tough. Don’t stop, one step at a time, but keep moving forward . There is nothing like overnight success, you have to work hard and work consistently to achieve your goals.

Use the stress as a driving force

Stress isn’t bad, do not fear targets, do not fear higher goals, fear under achievement. Use that stress to drive you to achieve what you always wanted.

Become the achiever

Achieve your goals but don't stop there, create a bigger goal and go on achieving it. Your goals are not a 100m race, you are here to run the marathon. Never stop achieving.

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